Monday, 19 November 2012

It lives!

I've been busy with all the high voltage cables and control contactors etc, also the dc to dc converter that powers all the normal 12 volt car system by converting the main battery pack down to 12volts.
I managed to connect the original electronic throttle to the Soliton controller along with all the other inputs it requires.
After a little thought, mainly being about the cost of lithium batteries, I decided to get hold of some cheap lead acid batteries to test the car with, just to prove to myself everything will work OK and also correct any problems I may encounter, then I'll take the plunge with the lithium and will be able to concentrate on looking after the batteries.
luckily I found 12, Yuasa 90ah second hand batteries on eBay in what appears to be good condition.
I finished installing the batteries and cables Saturday morning to give me 144 volts nominal.
 I jacked the drive wheels off the floor for safety just in case it turned into a run away, I then connected my laptop to the soliton controller, powered up and input the basic settings,
The fuse and safety contactor on the front battery pack
 DC to DC converter and high voltage cables to controller
 Front of car without headlights and grill etc  
Rear battery box showing fuse  + and - safety contactors
Rear battery box lid removed

clear plastic cover over fuse and contactors

Lockable Emergency stop installed just above ignition switch controls 12volt + and -  to coils on battery pack contactors.

The big moment?
Main battery pack contactors on, Ignition on, second gear selected, foot on accelerator,
BIG SMILE it works, the wheels are turning.
I spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday driving up and down the lane to my house with a big grin.

Lots more to do to make it road legal then MOT.
Then the lithium battery pack.